About the project
Involve the industrial sector in the transformation of VET systems, in order to meet the need of digital skills consistent with the technological developments in industries.Target Group
Entrepreneurs & companies staff, public administration staff, VET Providers staff & students, professionals that intends to train or re-train in order to acquire specific skills on Industry 4.0. etc.Outputs
Digital training skills-set for 4.0 industries , curriculum / framework for vet in industries 4.0, 4.0 industry case studies and policy recommendations.Partnership
A team of 8 organizations from Spain, Bulgaria, Greece, United Kingdom, Italy and Malta.Latest Posts
Read all about the RESTART project and its results!
CONTEXT The evolution of European industries is supported by digital solutions and is depicted in what is so-called “Industry 4.0”. A survey conducted by the European Social Fund on the monitoring of the professional needs of the industry reveals a mismatch between demand and supply of skilled workforce. Businesses demand workers specialized in digital skills
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RESTART: a commitment to industry 4.0
On January 19th, the RESTART – Digital Training Toolbox to Foster EU’s Industry 4.0 Revolution project, led by EVM, concluded after 2 years of intense work in the field of digital skills and digital transformation of business environments. Made up of an international consortium of 8 European entities, RESTART is a clear commitment to the
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Digital skills fundamental to facilitate integration of migrants in host countries
On January 14th 2020, Enaip Veneto participated in the conference Building a Whole-of-Society Approach to Emerging Migration and Integration Challenges at the OECD Centre. The conference tackled emerging challenges such as changing labor markets, technological advances, forced displacement and population dynamics. The labor market is changing fast: 14% of jobs across the OECD face a high likelihood of automation and